Monday, 3 May 2010

Part 8

Part 8

Section 1 of video

Section 2 of video

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Part 7 Technology

Part 7 Techno Final Version

part 6 Audience feedback

Part 6-Audience Feedback Video

In class we watched our opening's and got to find out what the other groups opinions were of ours and what was good/bad, if they could work out what the narrative was what we could improve, what stood out/key scenes and what we could of made better.
We asked specific questions which allowed us to get specific pointers on our work.

Analysis of our work from the other groups:
`Graphics were different'
` the sounds were sad worked well'
`Voice over was effective and helped people understand what was going on'
`Liked the title of `open verdict' at the end'
`Fades in between each of the shots'
`Transitions from current time to flashback using the white out to fade in was good'
`The labels on the items was a good idea'
`Music fitted in well'
`Good use if camera Angles and a range of shots'
`Graphics were difficult to see, kind of blurry and hard to read'
`The titles were very small in some shots and unclear as to what they said'
`The voice over was sometimes unclear and could her the breathing and noise of the microphone which was to loud'
Explanation and Understanding of the narrative:
`Very clear to the audience'
`They were a happy couple at some point,something happened he died then she died then came back to life'
`He killed himself and was paranoid about something'
What sub genre was it:
`romantic thriller'
What was original:
`The fact we could hear the voice over of the dead body'
`The way you Incorporated your title sequence in the opening having written by on jack Daniels bottle and on the others was original'
` I liked the effect of saturation as it showed the couple were happy and loved up'
What could be improved:
`The lighting making it clearer as there were points were it was too dark'
`Titles being zoomed or using extreme close up'
`Shots ab it more realistic were Jamie has the knife maybe dropping it instead of in his hand as he is meant to be dead'
`Making the acting less dramatic and rearranged better'
`titles making them clearer'
What was the key scene:
`Her waking up as we expect them both to be dead which shocks the audience'
`When she gets up and grabs his arm'
`The voice over even though its not a scene it was vital'
` The flashback reestablished what was going on'

Target audience/audience feedback
The audience feed back was positive and we found that most people said `voice over was effective and helped to understand what was going on'.This we agreed with as the voice over is big part of understanding the narrative and why the characters have ended up there and the male characters change psychological.

From these videos we were able to get opinions from our target audience.This we can use to compare with our target audience research from our treatments e.g what are Target Audience we wanted and if they would like it and the research we did to find out what sort of thriller people enjoyed watching e.g the questionnaires on survey monkey.

When looking at the target audience we went for I feel we did reach out to our target audience as we were given positive comments from our target audience such as`Voice over was effective and helped people understand what was going on' that the narrative were clear the voice over worked well and the story was easy to understand.We included a couple as we thought people would be able to relate and enjoy watching a relationship fall apart as it is interesting to see were the relationship went wrong.
The elements we were worried about getting across to the audience were the voice over and narrative however from the audience feedback they though it was easily relatable the narrative was clear and could tell what was going on.They also picked out how the voice over was a key part in understanding the character and how he felt about there relationship.

Overall we were given good feedback from the audience and we were successful in making our opening effective in our use of camera angles such as close ups of the characters faces this creates suspense and to show emotion.We used voice over to narrate to the audience and create questions Making the audience want to find out what is going to or has happened to those characters. and contrasting the characters relationship.The improvements we were given also helped us to understand how we would do things differently and maybe changing shots, lighting etc.

We appealed to our target audience as wide range of ages were able to view our opening and give us different views on what could of been improved, as well as having positive aspects which were widely recognised by everyone who viewed it. The audience appeal was important for all stages of planning our narrative and characters.We wanted our characters to be able to relate to the audience e.g using two students.Overall our target audience was important in the choices we made e.g the narrative, plot, location and actors. We wanted to be sure that the story and characters we choose would appeal to our target audience as well as including conventions of a thriller such as red Herring which was a vital element of our opening sequence.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Part 1 and 2

Part 1-The brief

We were asked to make an opening of a thriller. It had a time limit of two minutes long and had to include typical thriller conventions. We came up with the title Open Verdict. We first researched in the titles and what sort of titles we thought would fit in well with our narrative.

The title open verdict fits in very well with the story and the all the shots being set in just the one bedroom like a crime scene.Open verdict gives and indication of the narrative.Our thriller is based on a Romeo and Juliet love story.Both characters were madly in love and happy together at one point in there life however everything changed which left them in a state of death.The character Mark who rings the phone has a big part in why they are left like this.

The narrative has a twist at the end as the female character is thought to be dead throughout however wakes up at the end This creates suspense and tension of the audience as well as unexpectedness. We didn’t want a title to be obvious about a relationship e.g sometimes referring to love or an end. Our opening thriller we came up with ideas of what the narrative would be about e.g what kind of story a stalker, romance, horror and what kind of sub genre would fit well and if anyone was doing the same. both we choice to go with our final idea.,.oNCE

After we decided with our narrative we wrote it up as a treatment.. The sub genre we choose was romance/ psychological thriller. We wanted to incorporate romance and psychological together as we thought it would work well in showing a contrast.The voice over made it clear how the characters relationships changed and blending the two together showing a different kind of thriller.We

Part 2 –Audience for product

We researched who we wanted for our target audience by doing a questionnaire on survey monkey to find out about thrillers what sort of thrillers people liked,sub genres, there lifestyle and Hobbies.After we gathered the results we reed them through thoroughly and from this decided who our target audience would be and what kind of ages and people we would be focusing on.

The target audience we were aiming at were of the ages between 18-35 as the themes are for a more mature audience.We picked the age group of 13-35 as the themes would appeal more to a older audience and watching changes in a couples relationship.An older audience is more likely to pick up the psychological themes of the characters and asking questions into how they got to that stage. We wanted to aim it at both men and women as they can both relate to he narrative.We also wanted to aim it at both middle and working class people as well as people who are interested in such hobbies as drama,film clubs and enjoy the thriller genre.The questionnaires that we used for research helped us a lot in finding out what kind of people were interested in the thriller genre of films and the kind of thrillers they have seen as it was vital for us to know what kind of thriller we would focus e.g the sub genre.

The idea of Film Noir came from the way we decided to shoot it e.g in one room.This has been similar camera techniques to film Noir style and we thought it would be original and different from the other groups.We thought the audience would find this different and appealing as it doesn't fit with typical interpretations of thrillers e.g blood,violence,fast paced camera work and editing.

From the survey we did we most of our target audience were students.In our film we used students so that the audience can relate to the characters.We found that most of our target audience had seen the dark night .There is a love story embedded within this which we used as part of our plot. From the questions e asked we found that our target audience liked the mystery creative within the narrative of the thriller.Therefore in my filming we used mystery by using dark lighting, extreme closeup ups and still shots. Overall the survey helped us to focus on a particular plot and took into account what our target audience liked and disliked about thriller and how we could created a thriller which appeal to our target audience.